PE & Sport

Intent: what are we trying to achieve with our curriculum?

As a department, we aim to provide all pupils with a challenging, developmental and concept driven curriculum to allow high quality teaching and learning to take place. This is achieved through creating an enjoyable and productive atmosphere for staff and pupils, where we strive to inspire and engage students to participate, lead, and achieve in both practical and theoretical physical education, during their time at the Academy and for the rest of their lives.

Achievement in PESSPA at Sedgehill Academy looks like all students having the opportunity to engage in a broad and balanced physical education curriculum that provides pathways for extra-curricular activity and for all students who wish to extend their physical activity journey. We aim to ensure that regardless of a student’s background, they are able to develop in PE across our three assessment strands of Physical, Personal and Health and are able to receive the benefits provided by quality first PE teaching and extra-curricular sport.

Our core curriculum focusses on three key themes:

Each year students are taught 9 fundamental qualities of a physically educated individual which are arranged into the 3 key themes (fit to perform, fit to lead, fit for life) as displayed in the table below:

Fit to perform 

Students learn the skills and tactics required to be effective performer in a wide range of physical activities. Students also learn how to effectively analyse the performance of themselves or their peers. These attributes are learnt through activities such as football, netball, badminton and trampolining.

Fit to lead 

Students learn fundamental leadership qualities such as communication and resilience through invasion and individual activities such as handball and table tennis. Students obtain a united learning leadership qualification (bronze in year 7, silver in year 8, gold in year 9).

Fit for life 

Students learn how to develop their fitness levels, as well as key theoretical concepts such as principles of training and basic anatomy and physiology. Students learn how to lead an active healthy lifestyle through activities such as health related fitness.

Within this the KS3 curriculum aims to give all students as much exposure to a wide breadth of activities in line with the National Curriculum. This is to allow students to learn the key fundamentals through different mediums, and build year on year on prior knowledge through mastery before embarking on further study at KS4. We also take pride in ensuring all students at both KS3 and KS4 have the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular sport. Fundamentally the key intent of the Sedgehill Academy’s PE Department is to ensure all students leave the Academy active, having found fulfilment in physical activity that leads to life-long participation.

At KS4 students have the option to study either GCSE PE or Vocational Sport. Both courses are taught to the same high standards and both courses contain practical activity that is assessed.

Non-academic PE students continue PE throughout the duration of KS4 and have opportunities to experience different activities in line with the National Curriculum for PE in order to encourage pathways between education and participation in later life.

Implementation: how do we deliver our curriculum?




Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Cycle 1 Autumn Term   Invasion Sports (Basketball, Football, Handball, Netball, Rugby) Individual Sports (Badminton, Table Tennis, Dance) **

KPI 2     Decision Making

Simple tactics - Demonstrates fundamental strategies or tactics with control in isolated practices

More complex tactics - Demonstrates fundamental strategies with control in opposed practices/when under pressure

Advanced decision-making skills - Demonstrates key strategies with accuracy in opposed practices/when under pressure

KPI 5 Communicating tactics

Collaborates with a partner by showing empathy and respect during a physical activity

Manages a small group (2-4 people) by using effective communication skills

Manages a group (4-6 people) by using effective communication skills

KPI 7   Fitness  *

Demonstrates endurance, coordination and agility for a short period of exercise

Demonstrates endurance, coordination and agility for a period of exercise

Demonstrates physical effort during a period of exercise by using endurance, coordination and agility


Cycle 2 Spring Term               Invasion Sports (Basketball, Football, Handball, Netball, Rugby) Individual Sports (Badminton, Table Tennis, Dance) **

KPI 1    Skill

Core sending and receiving skills in isolation and small group settings

Skill combinations and more complex skills. Skills under pressure.

More advanced skills applied into game contexts

KPI 4       Leading

Leading a partner

Leads in small teams

Leadership and officiating roles in games

KPI 6 Growth Mindset

Focuses on overcoming a physical challenge

Focuses on overcoming several physical challenges

Demonstrates determination by overcoming a physical challenge


Cycle 3 Summer Term (Striking and fielding games/ Athletics)

KPI 1    Skill

Core skills of striking, throwing, catching and stopping the ball

More advanced skills that can be used in defensive and offensive situations

Wider range of skills including variations in flight, spin, timing of strike etc

KPI 9    Healthy Lifestyle

Knows the 3 categories of health

Knows the 3 categories of health and can identify one example for each

Explains how physical activity can benefit your physical, social and mental health

KPI 3     Analysis of Performance

Basic rules

Small game rules and positions

Full game rules, positions and formations


* Combined Games

KPI 8 Theoretical Knowledge

Principles of training (tested in fitness unit). Students will undertake a test alongside the fitness tests

** The time of year that students experience each activity is seasonal but can
vary between groups so that all students get access to specialist facilities and equipment.

Year 10

In Year 10 students make a guided choice towards a rotation of activities that follow the following pathways: Performance, Health, Leadership.     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Students build on knowledge and understanding developed at KS3 and have more autonomy and choice over pathways through KS4. Students who have chosen PE as an options choice may use this time to develop practical skills relevant to assessment criteria for relevant courses.      

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Over a 2 Year KS4 students have the opportunity to take part in the following activities: Football, Netball, Basketball, Trampolining, Use of the gym and local leisure facilities, Table Tennis, Badminton, Handball, Softball, Athletics, Rounders, Yoga & Dance.


Year 11

In Year 11 students make a guided choice towards a rotation of activities that follow the following pathways: Performance, Health, Leadership.                                                                               

                                                                                                                                            Students build on knowledge and understanding developed at KS3 and have more autonomy and choice over pathways through KS4.                                                                                              Students who have chosen PE as an options choice may use this time to develop practical skills relevant to assessment criteria for relevant courses.                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Over a 2 Year KS4 students have the opportunity to take part in the following activities: Football, Netball, Basketball, Trampolining, Use of the gym and local leisure facilities, Table Tennis, Badminton, Handball, Softball, Athletics, Rounders, Yoga & Dance. By the end of Year 11 the PE department aim to ensure that all students have had the opportunity to take part in physical activity within the community at local leisure facilities. This aims to bridge the gap between school PE lessons and life long participation in physical activity.



Aims of the PE Curriculum

The specific aims of the PE Curriculum Area are to:

  • Ensure progress for every student through differentiation, clear lesson objectives and outcomes.
  • Maximise the opportunity for AfL and peer-to peer group tasks and feedback.
  • Provide good or outstanding Teaching and Learning to all pupils.
  • Develop and model high level written responses in addition to verbal contributions, building on skills developed in other curriculum areas,
  • Promote Physical Literacy and an enjoyment of movement and being physically active.
  •  Reward and incentivise students for their active engagement in lessons.
  • Inspire students to achieve their best both academically and within sporting environments.
  • Inspire our students to creative active and healthy futures.
  • Develop competitive, successful sporting teams that encourage students to develop personal qualities of commitment, fairness, enthusiasm ad an appreciation of honest competition and good sportsmanship.
  • Promote the awareness, understanding and appreciation of how physical activity benefits pupils social, moral, physical, spiritual and cognitive development.
  • Develop students understanding of the word respect and how to show and expect respect from staff and peers in the right way.
Impact: what difference is our curriculum making to pupils?

Impact: what difference is our curriculum making to pupils?

  • PE students will:
  • Enjoy and contribute in a positive manner towards lessons.
  • Regularly take part in physical activity and sport making the most of opportunities provided to them
  • Develop resilience by understanding the importance of hard work to bring about positive improvements
  • Acknowledge their own success identified by WWWs and act on EBIs/Next Steps provided by teachers.
  • Meet and exceed the expectations of the Behaviour For Learning policy.
  • Meet all deadlines (H/W & NEA)
  • Support the learning of those around them.
  • Leave PE with strong qualifications that benefit not only careers and aspirations in the subject but outside of it also.
  • Leave the Academy physically active and prepared for life-long participation in a healthy active lifestyle.
  • Conduct themselves with pride and integrity in all that they do.
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