Students will have access to a range of career support delivered through a variety of ways such as drop-down days, careers fairs, employer talks, guest speakers, one-to-one mentoring sessions and trips to workplaces, colleges and universities. All students will have a one-to-one guidance appointment delivered by an impartial qualified careers adviser in Years 10 and 12. Students will also be offered support at key transition points such as Year 9 options, Year 11 post-16 plans and Year 13 post-18 plans. All students in Year 10 will complete one week’s work experience and all students in Year 12 will have an entitlement of a further week’s work experience.
Any provider wishing to request access should contact Jenny Edwards, Careers Leader, via email. Her working days are Thursday & Friday.
We run several events, integrated into the school careers programme and will offer providers an opportunity to come into Sedgehill to speak to students and/or their parents. Please speak to our careers leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.
The CEIAG programme will be reviewed annually by the Careers Leader and adapted as necessary. Any alterations will take into account feedback from staff, students or external providers linked to the current year’s activities.