In September 2024 using student voice we reformed our house system which is used as a vehicle to uphold the school’s values and ethos. Upon starting at Sedgehill Academy every student is placed into one of our four houses. Within their houses students develop a deeper sense of belonging and are provided with valuable opportunities to collaborate with students from different year groups.
Each week our houses compete against each other to achieve the highest attendance, achievement points and to win Fun Friday. Fun Friday takes place every week and involves students and staff being invited to take part in a wide variety of competitions that capture the imagination of the entire school. Houses are also used for whole school events such a drop-down days and of course our highly anticipated Sports Day. For each competition the winning house will receive 4 points, 2nd will receive 3 points, 3rd will receive 2 and the team that finishes last in the given are of competition will receive 1 point. Where applicable a bonus point will be awarded to the house that has the highest levels of participation.
At the end of the school year the winning house that has accumulated the most points throughout the year is announced in front of the entire school and presented with the house shield which has been engraved with their name. Rosalind Franklin House are the current House Champions! We look forward to finding out who will this year’s competition.
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