"My daughter has only been at Sedgehill Academy since September and she had always been unhappy at primary school, since starting here she has become happy and confident and really enjoys being at school. I feel she has found her people and the staff are extremely supportive and considerate of her SEN needs. It is a huge relief to me to know she is in a school that are going to help her grow in all areas of life. Her younger brother will be hopefully starting in the next academic year."

Parent/Carer Survey Feedback Oct 2022

SEND Provision at Sedgehill Academy

At Sedgehill Academy, students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) are fully integrated into the life of the school. The school believes that students learn most effectively when they feel valued and their efforts and achievements are recognised. The Curriculum for students with SEND is the Curriculum offered to all students, including those with exceptional abilities and disabilities. Students have access to all clubs, visits and trips.  When required, a more bespoke curriculum can be offered to meet the neds of students.

This page should be read alongside our SEND policy which can be found here.

The SEN Co-ordinator (SENCO) for the school is Diana Edmonds. She is responsible for the day to day operation of the SEN and Disability policies. The SEND department consists of a SEND manager, an Associate Assistant Principal for Inclusion and three Teaching Assistants.

Any concerns regarding SEND provision in the school are dealt with initially by Diana Edmonds who can be contacted on 020 86988911 or via email to

The Principal is also available to assist in addressing any unresolved issues. 

The success of the school’s policy for SEN and Disability is dependent on a whole school approach to supporting students with SEND. All teachers in every department have the responsibility to provide the learning opportunities necessary to meet all students’ needs and to ensure the progress of students with SEN and/or Disability.  This is monitored closely by Heads of Department and the SENDCo. SEND provision, in conjunction with the arrangements for pastoral care, reflects the Academy’s values, which celebrates every child as an individual.

SEND and Inclusion provision at Sedgehill Academy

  • Reading recovery via the Ruth Miskin programme
  • Some in class support where necessary
  • Small group interventions including Chatterbox for ASD
  • Lego Therapy
  • Circle of Friends
  • Mentoring
  • Careers advise and support
  • Speech and Language programmes
  • Special Examination Arrangements
  • Comprehension programmes
  • Handwriting
  • Lewisham Outreach service
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Counselling (CAMHS)

Sedgehill benefits from the established working relationships with a range of external professionals and there is an Educational Psychologist.

Members of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Department are committed to ongoing personal and professional development in order to extend their knowledge and expertise. Opportunities are also given for all staff to benefit from a range of twilight INSETs on SEND issues including policy and practice.

What to do if you are concerned that your child has a SEND

If you are concerned that you child might have an undiagnised Special Educational Need, please complete this short form to enable us to investigate this further on your behalf.

Once you have completed the form, we will respond to your enquiry within 14 days and respond to you.

Please complete this short survey - click here
Supporting children with SEND who are new to Sedgehill Academy

When offers of places have been made for a place in Year 7, primary schools are requested to send the SENCO the names and details of all students with SEND. Therefore, there can be early identification of a particular need or difficulty, prior to admission in September. This aids a smooth transition process.

The SENCO may also be invited to attend Transfer Reviews for students with Statements/EHC plans in the Summer Term prior to the student’s admission. This helps to ensure a smooth transition from Key Stage 2. Where possible the SEND team will  visit year 6 students in their setting to support transition further. When required, students who need further support with transition will be invited to attend The Academy in the summer term.

How are Special Educational Needs assessed?

Assessment, monitoring and review form the basis of identifying and addressing the needs of students with SEND. The views of the student and parents are essential in planning for and the monitoring of progress. When needs have not been identified in Primary school, a referral system is also in place to identify any undiagnosed needs. Referrals come from teachers and the SENDCo works alongside staff, following our referral procedures to explore possible needs and make referrals to external agencies if needed. 

The following methods are used as a baseline assessment and to further identify students with SEND:

  • The school’s and LA’s transfer procedures
  • SATS (where held) and Standardised test scores from KS2
  • The recording of initial concerns other than those already identified, in line with the recommendations in the SEN revised Code of Practice and the Disability Discrimination Act, 2010
  • MiDYIS tests in year 7.
  • Reading tests in year 7.
  • Baseline assessments in English and Maths.

Levels of difficulty are categorised under four headings.

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs
What happens if my child is identified as having SEND?

When a student has been identified as having SEND, their name is placed on the SEND register. Further to this, all subject teachers receive group lists which include the students’ SEND Level and access to a Student Passport where applicable. This enables all staff to be part of the monitoring and review process.

All parents/carers are informed that their child’s name is included on the SEND Profile. They will be kept regularly informed and consulted on issues relating to their child’s progress.

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