Where there is oversubscription, places will be offered to students based on the following criteria:
1. Children who are “Looked after” by a Local Authority, or a child who was previously looked after but immediately following being looked after were subject to an adoption or residency order, including those from outside of England (see notes A and B).
2. Children who have a chronic or acute medical or social care need, which are not covered by an EHCP but mean admission to Sedgehill Academy is necessary (see evidence required below, notes a-c). In such circumstances, the application must be supported by written specific professional advice, e.g., from a doctor or specialist, not a primary school alone. If you feel that there is a specific reason why your child should be offered a place at Sedgehill Academy, please state this in your application. Where the need relates to another family member, that family member must live at the same address as the child. You will need to provide the following evidence: a. Evidence of the medical condition or social care need e.g., professional medical diagnosis or statement b. Reasons why your child should attend our school, stating the consequences for them or the family member if they have to attend a different school to ours c. Documentation from the relevant professional, which supports your application for naming our school on these grounds Sedgehill Academy Admissions Committee meets in advance of school offers being made and this committee makes a decision based on the individual merits of each case. Moderate learning difficulties, such as delayed speech and language or dyslexia, work commitments and childcare arrangements are not considered to be a medical or social care need and so will not be considered by the Panel.
3. Siblings: If you have an older child or children already attending the school, you need to make this clear on your application. Sedgehill Academy also accepts siblings to mean those attending our Sixth Form Provision. See below for explanation of the term brother / sister (note D).
4. Children of staff subject to either or both of the following circumstances: a. where the member of staff has been continuously employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made; and / or b. the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
5. Distance from home to school which is measured as a straight line from the centre of the home address to the main school entrance. In the event that two or more applicants have equal right to a place under any of the criteria, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school (see note E). London Borough of Lewisham can provide distance measurements.
The secondary transfer coordinated scheme continues until the end of the summer term 2023. Applications received for Year 7 beyond the end of the summer term 2023 will be considered as in-year applications.
Waiting lists will be held for the first term of Year 7 only by Lewisham Council. Those with a continuing interest in a place at a school beyond this time will be required to make an in-year application.
Further advice is available from the admissions@sedgehillacademy.org.uk